Welcome to our boutique style personal service graphic design and digital agency. We are a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals dedicated to creating visually stunning designs that communicate your message effectively. Our services include:

Graphic design: We offer a wide range of graphic design services, including logo design, brand identity, print design, and packaging design.

Digital design: We specialize in creating responsive websites, mobile apps, and digital marketing materials that are optimized for maximum impact.

Branding: We help businesses build and maintain a strong brand image through strategy and design.

Marketing: We offer a variety of marketing services, including social media management, email campaigns, and search engine optimization.

Our approach is highly personalized, we take the time to understand your specific needs and goals, and we work closely with you to create a design that truly reflects your brand and message. We are committed to delivering high-quality work and providing excellent customer service. If you’re looking for a graphic design and digital agency that will go above and beyond to help you achieve your goals, look no further. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you take your business to the next level.

Good Design is Good Business

reat design can have a transformative effect on a brand and can lead to increased sales for several reasons:

  • First and foremost, great design catches the eye. It’s visually striking and memorable, making it more likely that people will remember your brand and products.

  • Good design also helps to communicate your brand’s message and values in a clear and compelling way. It can convey a sense of professionalism, quality, and trustworthiness, which can help to build customer loyalty and increase sales.

  • Great design can also help to differentiate your brand from competitors. It can make your products or services stand out in a crowded market and can make your brand more memorable and recognisable.

  • In addition, good design can also improve the user experience. A well-designed website or product packaging can make it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for, leading to increased conversion rates and sales.

  • Finally, great design can also help to enhance the perceived value of a product or service. A well-designed product can be perceived as more valuable and desirable, leading to increased sales.

In conclusion, great design is a powerful tool that can help to transform a brand and lead to increased sales. It can help to communicate your brand’s message, differentiate your products and services, improve the user experience, and enhance the perceived value of your products.

We started way back in 1992 – and we are still here doing what we do. There are very few companies in the design and marketing space who can boast an impressive innings as ours.

We are one of the oldest and most established design and marketing agencies in South Africa.

We started out when the world was transitioning from Letraset and airbrush to computers and DTP. My first Mac was a Mac SE30 which had a 9 inch black and white monitor on which many colour brochures where designed. Photoshop was on version 2, had no layers and postscript was level 1.

Technology and design go hand in hand and as each and every improvement came along we adopted early and ensure we were always ahead of the curve. Nothing changed and even now with the most incredible tech available to us for marketing and design – we are still ahead of the curve.

Through the years we have worked with so many fantastic clients on so many exciting and demanding projects that it would be impossible to showcase everything on our website. But take a look through our work and hopefully you will see our passion for good design and attention to detail. The origin of our company name.

In-Detail is a full service agency that can manage all aspects or a clients marketing and design from their inception identity, branding, packaging, signage, print, digital and online needs. Covering marketing and advertising – digital or traditional.

Malcolm Gladwell popularised the idea that 10,000 hours of appropriately guided practice was “the magic number of greatness,” – to become a master of something. Applying the calculations for myself, that would means that I have done in the region of 100,000 hours as a graphic designer, art director and marketer. Ten times the amount to be considered a master! So I guess that should count for something.

The design experience and marketing wisdom is certainly there but the best part of our work is that you are always learning something new, trying something out, experimenting and driving results for our clients. As Steve Jobs said “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”.

I hope that you will also become part of the incredible In-Detail journey and that we can do some great work together.

Gerald (Jess) Yapp
Creative Director of In-Detail


We originally started out in 1991 as an illustration and design studio doing illustration and design for the larger agencies. In a short time we realised that we needed to be the agency managing campaigns instead of the design and production arm.

Over 25 years of business we have become an agency that has worked above-the-line, below-the-line, through-the-line and on-the-line…

But times change and now agencies are called traditional or digital agencies.
But what does an agency do when they do it all?

Do we call ourselves tradigital?
360 degree agency, the everything studio?

Dunno, but we do know our craft and we do know how to get it all done.